Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball – Male Gaze Theory Applied

Throughout this powerpoint I have shown how the Male Gaze Theory has been applied. I have chosen specific shots from Miley Cyrus’ new music video – Wrecking Ball – and analysed each to explain how the Male gaze theory has been applied. I believe that the Male gaze has been demonstrated, specifically  through the shots when Miley Cyrus is naked and also posing in sexual ways, showing how voyeurism has been used. Voyeurism – is when someone looks at someone for pleasure. In this case, Miley Cyrus is the object in which heterosexual males will feel attracted to her.

Posted on September 17, 2013, in Research & Planning and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. There is some good detailed analysis on the music video Britney. You communicate the theory clearly and use terminology from Mulvey to explore the representation of Miley Cyrus in the video. Mise en scene, cinematography and costume are all analysed confidently. What is your reaction to this video as a woman in the 21st century? Some more details on her image as ‘created’ by her PR company might have taken this further. Can you find any examples other examples to subvert the Miley Cyrus model? GRADE: Bb

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