Band/Artist Name and Logo Feedback

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Above show feedback questionnaires based on our ‘Luna’ logo and our band artist name of ‘Luna’. We found this very useful when developing our artists image. The general feedback was extremely positive and confirmed that we had a good band artist name and logo, however, there were some targets that we will use to help us develop and strengthen our artist.

We named our artist ‘LUNA’ as we wanted to have a female artist in the pop genre. We also wanted an edginess to her as well as being extremely fashionable. The name – LUNA – is defined as the Goddess of the moon and we believed this definition fitted in well with our ideal and also inspired us to base our artist around cosmic/nebular visuals.

– Excellent appropriateness of artists name and logo (due to the artists name being ‘LUNA'(goddess of the moon) – and the logo consisting of a full moon shape connected to quarter moon shapes)
– Our logo is very adaptable, creative and memorable. (this was our aim as we wanted something to be eye catching as well as being adaptable to be placed on various different mediums)
– Our logo and artists name is well linked to our target audience (audience being 15-30 years old)
– Our logo fits themes (being futuristic and space-like) and our research of the pop genre
– Our logo and artists name is unique, like the style and sound of our song
– Original and distinctive, like the song ‘Grammy’

– Stronger development of links to research of existing pop artists and the genre

Thus, our feedback was very promising and we have come out with knowing we need to carry out more genre research and be able to justify our artists name and logo more.

Posted on September 28, 2013, in Audience Feedback, Research & Planning and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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