Monthly Archives: September 2013

Launch of MTV

MTV was the first music channel to appear on the televisions all around the world. This channel introduced the musics best bands and singers to show themselves throught there music videos. MTV now still shows music videos of the modern day from artists like Eminem, One DIrection, Katy Perry and many more however, the channel has now started to have televised programmes due to more channels being ccreated showing music videos. The use of MTV allowed the music industry evolve into the filming industry and create a video that involved both music and a film. This helps the audience connect with the artist or band that is performing. Michael Jackson’s song ‘Thriller’ was a real hit in the 1980’s as it was a record video costing $7 million to produce. The use of cinemas the video was realesed at midnight and audiences stayed up all night to watch the footage. This video was then played on to the MTV channel allowing other audience memebers to see the music video that had been talked about, if they didnt have the chance to go and see it in the cinema.

MBD Record Label

MBD Record Label has just been made public and we have already got a great signing of the band ‘LUNA’. they are are a new and upcoming band who are really impressive. Keep reading our blog to find out more about them.