Pretty Woman – Music Video Creation Task

Here is the music video we made to Pretty Woman

Connection to our coursework

The task to create our own music video to ‘Pretty Woman’ allowed us as a group to learn how to successfully carry out all of the camerawork and editing rules we will need to use when filming our A2 music video soon. The filming and editing processes have been very valuable to us as we have learnt how to successfully carry out these rules and also come across some difficulties we may find when filming our coursework. For example, we have found combining the narrative of a music video to the performance aspect of the music video challenging to incorporate with all of the rules we have to use. Therefore, we found ways to help us do this such as: the split screen (split into 3 separate screens to convey the narrative and performance). As this worked successfully we will probably use this feature in our own music video when we come to edit our A2 coursework.

Another aspect of this task that has been very valuable is learning how to successfully and realistically lip-sync. As there will be a great deal of lip-syncing in our own music video this was good practice for us when it comes to our real music video. We found that by watching many other music videos to see how they put expression and performance in their face this looks good. Also, by playing the song out loud this helped a great deal when it came to timing and speed of the lip and facial movements.

Due to our AS coursework being an opening titles sequence of a film, movement of the camera was not a major feature of this sequence. Thus we was not very experienced in camera movement and how to carry it out successfully. Therefore, we found by practicing camera movement in this music video, it will be a lot easier when coming to film our own music video as we have already started developing our skills and how to improve them. For example, we need to work on keeping the camera still as we move the camera. This led to using innovative ideas such as sitting on a wheelchair and being pushed whilst we filmed the music video.

Posted on October 6, 2013, in Research & Planning, Shotlists, Layouts, Drafting, Scripting, Storyboarding and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Pretty Woman Blog Post

    Britney, Daniel and Max

    The video—-The video is stylish; the rules have been well-executed. The creative edge to the video shows an assured understanding of the music video conventions.

    The Scribd is very reflective and extensive. This is a very articulate piece of work. Micro examples are used to justify claims. Screen shots are used to help convey meaning. This, by it’s own, would be an A.

    The connection to coursework section of the blog post is a little vague. Links to videos within the genre would have helped to reinforce the ideas presented in the video.

    Blog Grade: B

    Mr. Dunford

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