Monthly Archives: October 2013

Music Video Structure

Music Videos have a certain type of structure that they follow making them the great videos that they are. Most videos are split up between the performance side and also the narrative section. This will include extra people to portray the narrative section. The narrative is usually based around the lyrics that are used within the song.The music video will be created with the use of the music, the lyrics and the iconography. The music will influence the speed of the editing in the music video allowing the video flow or have a cutting edge. Some videos will use a slow cut editing making the video be portrayed as an emotional, sensitive video or it may be a fast cut edit where it’ll seem as if the video is having alot going on, cutting the footage to the beat. The lyrics will influence what happens to the narrative and what is portrayed through the actors rather than the actors acting out what they want to. Finally, iconography is the visual images that collectively represent a person/group/thing. This will be used alot in most videos for example the use of symbol to represent a group such as a teams logo.
50 cent
In 50 cents video iconography is present through the hat he is wearing. due to the team logo being embroyded on the cap it is prepresenting the group of people and the team. Most videos also have alot shot in a studio. this works effectively as it looks like they are reflecting n something in the past that has happened to them. this allows the audience memeber to relate to the video and the artist more due to the connection they will have with them. They may be occumpnied by the band or others but it is mainly on their own. There are two different examples that i will describe.
marcus collins
Even though in this video he isnt really protraying an emotion the focus is solely on him as the artist, which is helping present him and his song but also advertise the song. This will allow people to see Marcus Collins as himself and understand that is how he performs. Due to all the focus being on himself it is easier to edit due to the editing will just be too the beat and not flicking to a narrative. It also shows that he is focusing on  the music and not a story.The other type of studio filming is when it is based on an emotional story and it is just an artist on their own reflecting on there experiences. This will be the artist standing alone in a space with a spot light or a certain light shining on them.
emili sandre
Here you can see Emeli Sande standing alone in the studio with a spot light shingin on the mat black wall behind which reflects dimly back onto her. You can see the emotion she holds due to the facial expression and the emotion she puts into the performance.