Finalising Costumes

After filming our trial shots last week of the studio/performance aspect of the music video, we learnt that the black plain top and jeans were not bright enough to convey the character of Luna sufficiently. Therefore, we have come to the decision to include our actress, Zara, wearing multiple costumes throughout the course of the music video as this is a genre characteristic. Also, each of the costumes we want to be bright and to stand out. Thus, we have communicated with our actress to combine some of her own clothing with ours to reach our finalised costumes. Below are some images of some of the costumes Luna will be wearing. All of which are brightly coloured to contrast the white backdrop of the studio and also, we wanted to create a girly/edgy look for her. So we have included statement necklaces with each of the outfits to make this feature more apparent.

Posted on November 19, 2013, in Communication, Research & Planning, Shotlists, Layouts, Drafting, Scripting, Storyboarding and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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