Sleigh Bells

Our media teacher suggested we watch the Sleigh Bells – Comeback Kid, music video. As he believed this was a similar image we were hoping to achieve, along with similar editing. After watching it we felt that the editing was extremely good and something we would hope to do with our own music video. Also, we have taken inspiration from the studio shots and the shots when there is a lot of movement by the artist. When we filmed our trial shots we did not get our actress, Brooke, to dance/naturally move with the lyrics. Therefore, this resulted in a lack of energy in the shots. So when we filmed our studio shots with Zara, we asked her to move and use her arms and hands, what a lot of artists do in their music videos.

jdu email - sleigh bells

Posted on November 20, 2013, in Audience Feedback, Communication, Research & Planning and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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