Filming – Sunday 24th November

During this filming session we filmed the shots of Luna’s boyfriend (being played by Alex) walking out of the house and walking to the party and also the pictures of Luna (being played by Zara) and her boyfriend. We will use these pictures during the flashbacks in the music video to convey their once happy relationship and use this to juxtapose their broken down relationship now. We also had to re-film some of shots we had filmed during the previous week of Luna’s boyfriend as it was too dark outside.

Issues we faced when filming:
As we started filming at 3:00pm it was still light outside and we tried to film as many shots as we could during this time frame before it got dark outside. However, as we had researched it would have been a 4:00pm sunset, we would have been able to film all of the shots we needed within an hour. However, as the sun set earlier than expected, this mean’t we had to use the lighting to kit to make it appear like we was filming during daylight.

Posted on November 25, 2013, in Research & Planning, Shotlists, Layouts, Drafting, Scripting, Storyboarding and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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