Lighting the Studio

As the issue with lighting was the most significant negative feedback we gained from our first dailies, we believed that we should focus on improving the lighting so we would not have to film the studio element of the music video again. When we filmed our trial shots with Brooke, we only hired one lighting kit, consisting of 1 soft box and 3 lights. Thus, by doubling the amount of lights we had, we believed this would result in a much brighter backdrop and also if we aimed a lot of lighting on the backdrop this would decrease the harsh brightness differences of the actress and the backdrop.

When we watched the footage back, the increase in lighting significantly improved the brightness and made the studio setting look more professional. However, it did involve a lot of re-adjustment to ensure the lighting remained effective when we changed the shot angle.

Below, shows the differences between the lighting of the trial shots and the lighting with Zara. On the left shows the improved lighting with Zara, whereas the right picture shows the dark and dull lighting.

Posted on November 25, 2013, in Research & Planning, Shotlists, Layouts, Drafting, Scripting, Storyboarding and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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