Editing Process – Rough Cut

When we had filmed all of our footage for our rough cut we began our editing process. As we had found out when we edited our animatic, we knew the editing stage would take a long time to complete. Therefore we left ourselves plenty of time to complete this stage to ensure we edited as well as we could for our rough cut. As we had picked a fast song with significantly up-tempo beats, the editing to the chorus we knew would be very fast and difficult. Additionally, as our song ‘Grammy’ has a large rap element to the song, the lyrics are therefore sung very quickly and this made lip-synching and editing the lyrics to the visuals would be even harder.

We decided to edit on the iMovie software as we were all comfortable and confident with this software and furthermore it still included some of the effects we were intending to use. Also, this would make our editing process more proficient as we already knew how to successfully edit on this software.

We found this period extremely valuable and we believe quite successful, however, we are aware we will need ti improve certain elements and aspects of the music video to improve the editing.

Below are some images of us during our editing process.

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Posted on November 29, 2013, in Organisation, Shotlists, Layouts, Drafting, Scripting, Storyboarding, Time Management and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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