Changing the LUNA logo

Our original LUNA logo consisted of a full moon and two half moons attached on either side, also, the colours were slightly dull. Throughout the process of building our artist, LUNA’s identity has evolved into bright colours. Therefore, we felt it was necessary to include brighter colours in the logo as our music video consists of many bright colours and we wanted to continue this theme throughout Luna’s identity. Additionally, by carrying out extensive audience feedback many comments were made about the two half moons attached to the middle circle and no one could see the relevance of this feature on the logo. Thus, we decided to erase these 2 moons as they no longer had any relevance to our artist. We have decided to focus more on the bright colours on the logo, making it stand out and distinctive. We have also added in a black outline on the LUNA title and outline around the circle of the logo, this results in the name of LUNA standing out more.

Here is our new logo:

Here is our original logo:

Posted on January 17, 2014, in Shotlists, Layouts, Drafting, Scripting, Storyboarding and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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