Album Cover Inspiration

Our media technician, Lolly, has inspired us through her work for our album cover for Luna. Lolly had already created an example image of Lady Gaga with lyrics from her new song ‘Do what u want’ in different colours to create the outline of her face. We thought this was a very effective album cover and decided this would be appropriate and unique for our own digipak for Luna. However, instead of the lyrics over her face, we will write ‘LUNA’ over her face as it is the album cover and not the lyrics page. This was a debate we encountered – whether to use this effect for the album cover or the lyrics page. However, as we had to use different brightness effects with the text ‘LUNA’ over her face so the eyes were more defined, this would have led to not being able to see the lyrics properly. Therefore, we decided to choose the effect for the album cover.

We are going to use the exact same colours as those used in the logo by identifying the exact code numbers for the shade of colour. These colours will mainly consist of: pink, green, purple and blue. Therefore continuing the theme of the bright colours throughout the digipak. Luna’s face will be on a white background making the text more prominent.

This is an image of Lolly’s image:


Posted on January 28, 2014, in Research & Planning, Shotlists, Layouts, Drafting, Scripting, Storyboarding and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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