Evaluation Question 3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Positive and Negative Feedback Evaluation

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We have collected all of our feedback together from our animatic and our treatment which includes both positive and negative feedback. We then categorised the feedback into the positives and the negatives then making a wordle from the specific words that descried our pitch and our video. The feedback we were given was from both our peers and our teachers allowing us to gain as much feedback as possible. We scanned through our feedback and have picked out the key words that we thought helped us develop the video we had created as a final product. To help develop our ideas we took the feedback to then change or create new ideas for the video which then helped us deliver trial shots for our peers to then criticize again. After the animatic we had a clear idea of the structure of the video for example the order all the shots will be going in and the duration of the shots. The next step was taking out some of the shots as we then had too much footage for our rough cut video. This helped us decide what was crucial for our video and what wasn’t needed within our video.

Dailies and Rough Cut Feedback

dailies feedback spider scribe

rough cut spiderscribe

After completing our rough cut, we received much helpful feedback from our Media Studies teacher and peers. The negative feedback on our rough cut such as making the narrative stronger, we found significantly helpful as this assisted our progression towards our final music video. We used this element of feedback by adding in additional shots from the ‘night’ scene at the ‘party’ and also shots of LUNA in her bedroom – to help us convey the emotions she was feeling. Also, the suggestions to re-shoot some of the studio shots where our actress, Zara, was looking down and to the side when lip-syncing were helpful. After receiving this feedback we re-shot some of the frames. This had a positive effect on our final music video as LUNA was looking directly to the camera, which we feel built more atmosphere and made it appear more professional. Additionally, the night scene in our rough cut appeared to our audience to be lacking energy and light. Therefore, we added in the coloured light sequence to build a party atmosphere. Also, we re-shot much of the night scene with extra lighting equipment, making the shots more defined. Due to the positive feedback on the jump cuts throughout our rough cut, we decided to add in more of this style of editing as it was clearly pleasing to the audience which we feel gave our music video more pace and energy in the final product. The dailies feedback was crucial to our development towards our final music video. A main point raised within the dailies feedback regarded the initial costume for LUNA. At first we filmed LUNA wearing a plain black top and skirt, this appeared dull and boring to our audience, there were many suggestions for LUNA to wear multiple costumes throughout the music video to complement the mise-en-scene, also for the costumes to be bright and colourful – this conformed to the pop genre characteristics. Also, it was suggested for LUNA to wear bright jewellery – after taking this on board, it significantly improved of final music video. Overall, all of the comments and suggestions made within the feedback in regards to our rough cut was extremely helpful and significantly contributed to the development of our final music video.

Digipak and Advert Feedback

The brainshark we have comlpeted describes the feedback we were given for our DIgipak and our Advert. We have discussed our progress and how we changed the rough design due to the feedback we were given making the final product. This progressed us a group to organise our time more effectively, as well as progressing our skills with photoshop. Due to all the drafts we completed for the Digipak, by the time we created our final product we had alot more knowledge and knew exactly how to create our ideas. Our ideas progressed through discussion not only within the group, but also with our peers giving us critisicm to help us develop ideas.

Here is a link of our mybrainshark powerpoint as we analyse our feedback for our digipak and advert:


Posted on March 20, 2014, in Evaluation and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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