Category Archives: Organisation

Checklist Before Advert Is Completed


This is a checklist we will be using to make sure our advert is completed on time. Advert due – Thursday 13th February 2014. This demonstrates our time management skills and organisation between the group.

Time Management and Organisation


I have entered the deadline date into my school planner to ensure we meet the deadlines and successfully use our time management to make sure we finish our advert poster by Thursday 13th February. As we have almost finished the advert and we only have final touches to add onto the poster including social networking icons we are going to go to the media studies classroom in the morning to finish this.

Finishing Our Digipak

As the deadline for our digipak is on Friday 31st January, it is very important we finish this before the deadline in order for us to carry out audience feedback so we have time to improve the digipak. Therefore it is necessary for us to communicate between the group to ensure we are all able to work on the digipak so it will be completed.


Digipak Drawn Draft Requirements

Below shows a Scribd document listing the requirements for the drawn digipak draft requirements.

Shooting Schedule


Editing Process – Rough Cut

When we had filmed all of our footage for our rough cut we began our editing process. As we had found out when we edited our animatic, we knew the editing stage would take a long time to complete. Therefore we left ourselves plenty of time to complete this stage to ensure we edited as well as we could for our rough cut. As we had picked a fast song with significantly up-tempo beats, the editing to the chorus we knew would be very fast and difficult. Additionally, as our song ‘Grammy’ has a large rap element to the song, the lyrics are therefore sung very quickly and this made lip-synching and editing the lyrics to the visuals would be even harder.

We decided to edit on the iMovie software as we were all comfortable and confident with this software and furthermore it still included some of the effects we were intending to use. Also, this would make our editing process more proficient as we already knew how to successfully edit on this software.

We found this period extremely valuable and we believe quite successful, however, we are aware we will need ti improve certain elements and aspects of the music video to improve the editing.

Below are some images of us during our editing process.

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Polaroid Pictures

Within our music video we wanted to include an element of originality as we believed the song ‘Grammy’ was particularly unique and we wanted to reflect this by including an aspect that is not usually in videos. Therefore we decided to include Polaroid pictures to create a section of stop motion effect to convey and establish Luna and her boyfriends relationship and the emotions they are both feeling. We came to this idea by brainstorming a way in which we can

Tomorrows Shoot – Sunday 23rd

As the footage from our last shoot was very dark, some shots being so dark you are not able to see anything at all, we have had to ask our actor to come back for another shoot. Our aim is to film all of the outside shots that we did in our first shoot that are too dark, this time making sure there is plenty of lighting.
Shot List:
– Car pulling up to pick up Alex
– Alex leaving the house
– Alex getting in the car
– Car driving away from house
– Car pulling up at party
– Alex leaving the car
– Alex arriving at the door of the house

As we have Alex coming down tomorrow, and we are nearing the deadline of our rough cut, we have also decided to do the shots of Luna, played by our actress Zara, and Alex together.
Shot List:
– Pictures to be used as the polaroid images at the beginning of the Music Video
– Luna watching Alex leave her behind at the house whilst he goes out
– Close-Ups of Luna looking upset

Shooting Schedule – Wednesday 20th November 2013

To fully maximise our filming time we have completed a shooting schedule in regards to our shooting time tomorrow, on Wednesday 20th September 2013. This shooting time will only consist of filming Zara in the studio location – we plan to capture all of the footage needed in this location within this session. We have learnt a lot from filming in this same location last week, we will know how to set up all of the equipment correctly and also what angles will look best. Therefore, we will be starting our filming session more prepared and organised.

Communication with our actress

As we have recently asked Zara to be the actress in our music video, there has been a lot of communication between us and Zara to ensure she is confident with everything in regards to her role etc. We have discussed what the music video is about, the artist ‘Luna’, her style, her availability and costumes. Below are some screenshots of text messages between myself and Zara in regards to our music video.

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