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Final Music Video

Trial Shots

This is a few trial shots that we have prepared ready for our shots. They are the shots of the poker section of our video that will need to be seen to portray the males poorhabits. The shots have come out well but when we shoot the shots we want to use, we will need to use better lighting as the lights that were used were only the house lights that are usually on. We will choose to use varied lighting and also the use of a softbox to help enhance out footage.

Animatic Feedback & Responses

We made this vlog in response to our animatic feedback we were given by our teachers and peers. We found this very helpful and useful for the next stage in our coursework, as we are going to use this constructive criticism to our advantage to improve our coursework.

Male Gaze

In the music videos ‘California Girls’ by Katy Perry and ‘Blurred line’ by Robin Thicke, male gaze is apparent clearly. It is obvious that the in Katy Perry’s video she is using her props and her figure to draw the male audience in. For example when she is walking round with only a cupcakes covering herself we immediately feel that Katy Perry is very open. However, this doesn’t change through the video as Snoop Dog is then shown looking down on Katy laying down being covered by clouds. This immediately shows that although it is Katy Perry’s video she is using her figure to entice the male audience. We are shown alot of mid-shots throughout the video allowing to only see her top half of the body. Although there are no other males with in the video the use of Snoope Dog looking at Katy from above gives the audience th efeel that KAty Perry is being used due to her looks.

In Robin Thicke’s video ‘Blurred Lines’, woman are only used for the attraction. The video was made with the woman completely naked however it was too explicit for many websites. This shows that they were only used for attraction and to model. The costumes were then changed to more clothing however most of the material was transparent. Although they had helped the woman and covered them up, but they still tried to show them explicitly in a different way. Throughout the video the males artists stand in the centre third of the frame and look at the girls rather than singing to the camera. In many videos the male artists will sing alot to the camera to show them as artists however in ‘Blurred Lines’ the artists only look at the camera on very occasionally.

In both videos I feel that women are involved for their looks and there figures to be looked at. However I feel that in Katy Perry’s video it was more to do with the narrative although in ‘Blurred Lines’ there isn’t a narrative that can explain the woman walking round nude.

History of Music Videos

This video was of the Beatles song ‘Hard Day’s Night’, which was a huge hit. It is filmed in black and white and is a mixed, male and female casting. It shows the males coming out of the work place and running away from the female fans. This already shows they are a very popular group and they are wanted by many females.

Launch of MTV

MTV was the first music channel to appear on the televisions all around the world. This channel introduced the musics best bands and singers to show themselves throught there music videos. MTV now still shows music videos of the modern day from artists like Eminem, One DIrection, Katy Perry and many more however, the channel has now started to have televised programmes due to more channels being ccreated showing music videos. The use of MTV allowed the music industry evolve into the filming industry and create a video that involved both music and a film. This helps the audience connect with the artist or band that is performing. Michael Jackson’s song ‘Thriller’ was a real hit in the 1980’s as it was a record video costing $7 million to produce. The use of cinemas the video was realesed at midnight and audiences stayed up all night to watch the footage. This video was then played on to the MTV channel allowing other audience memebers to see the music video that had been talked about, if they didnt have the chance to go and see it in the cinema.